The Media's Support of Kamala
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 26, 2024
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It is one of the great mysteries of the universe that corporate media companies like Comcast and Disney are so rabid in their support of far-left Democrats. I mean, it doesn't take an MIT graduate to figure out that politicians like Kamala Harris will push to tax corporations to the highest level possible—"Fair share" and all that.
Historically, companies pass on increased costs to consumers but Comcast and Disney can't do that anymore.  Cable is the big earner in Comcast world, and millions of Americans are now walking away from paying high prices for dumb cable options. Do we really need to binge-watch the Bayou Channel?
Disney has raised its theme park tickets so high only oligarchs can go. You have to refinance your mortgage to see the Magic Kingdom. Magic Johnson can visit, but working people can't afford it.
Yet, the liberal media loves Kamala Harris, whose giveaway wish list is endless: guaranteed income cash payments, free college tuition, free daycare, paid leave when the baby comes, free health care not only for citizens but for undocumented foreigners, increased food stamps, subsidized housing, on and on and on. 
Ca-ching. Ca-ching. Ca-ching.  
It's socialism of course so I guess Mickey Mouse will soon be quoting Marx and Engle. Comrade Donald Duck. Power to the people, right on!
Perplexed? So am I. But somehow, below, Fidel is smiling.
Enjoy the weekend. New column Sunday.