Bill's Charities
Find out about all the charitable organizations Bill supports.
Independence Fund
Independence Fund
The Independence Fund believes that healing of our severely injured Veterans while working together towards a common purpose is bigger than ourselves. For the complete physical and emotional healing of our severely injured Veterans to occur, it will take the unified efforts of government, private and corporate entities all working together towards a common purpose that is bigger than ourselves.
Fisher House Foundation
Fisher House Foundation
Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. Online donations can be made in honor of or in memory of an individual or organization.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders is an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. Today, Doctors Without Borders provides independent, impartial assistance in more than 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters. Doctors Without Borders provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need. Doctors Without Borders also reserves the right to speak out to bring attention to neglected crises, challenge inadequacies or abuse of the aid system, and to advocate for improved medical treatments and protocols.
Tuesday's Children
Tuesday's Children
Tuesday's Children is a non-profit family service organization that has made a long-term commitment to every individaul who was directly impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. Tuesday's Children has developed a unique platform of programs that foster the mental health and well being of families dealing with trauma, grief, and physical iillness. Based on a proven methodology of healing through community, Tuesday's Children's mission includes Project COMMON BOND, an inititative that reaches out to young adults from around the world who have been directly impacted by terrorism.
TroopsDirect supplies American forces around the globe with any critically needed items that they cannot access through the conventional military supply chain. FREE OF CHARGE. TroopsDirect specializes in medical, operational and tactical equipment support with the primary goals of increasing mission efficiency and protecting the lives and limbs of our service members. Contrary to most groups providing smaller and seasonal 'cookies and candy' care packages for individual soldiers, the TroopsDirect 'on demand' model ships our service members exactly what they request, delivered to almost any point on the globe in a matter of days. Supported by the generosity of citizens like you, over 90 cents of every dollar goes to providing our Americans with the specifically requested items that they urgently need. You may not have heard about us but the troops certainly have!
NYC Coalition for the Homeless
NYC Coalition for the Homeless
Coalition for the Homeless is the nation's oldest advocacy and direct service organization helping homeless men, women, and children. They are dedicated to the principle that affordable housing, sufficient food, and the chance to work for a living wage are fundamental rights in a civilized society. Since its inception in 1981, the Coalition has worked through litigation, public education, and direct services to ensure that these goals are realized. Every day, the Coalition helps over 3,500 clients with the tools and support to reclaim their lives. Through housing, job training, emergency food, crisis intervention, and youth programs, they rescue men, women and children caught in the grips of poverty.
The Haitian Health Foundation
The Haitian Health Foundation
The Haitian Health Foundation is a registered charity that aims to improve the lives of the poor and infirm in the greater Jeremie area of Haiti with a focus on women and children.

They offer a variety of services including safe motherhood services, self-help programs, outpatient clinics, public outreach programs and also responding to emergencies and crises with humanitarian relief.

If you would like to learn more about the work they do or to make a donation, please visit their website.
Best Friends Foundation
Best Friends Foundation
The Best Friends Foundation promotes the well-being of adolescent girls and the prevention of teenage pregnancy by encouraging positive alternatives to premature sexual activity and illicit drug or alcohol use.

If you would like to donate, please contact:
The Best Friends Foundation
4455 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 310
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 237-8156
You can also visit their website.
Responsibility's Mission statement: To provide education to children where no one else will or is able.

In Mexico, Responsibility has built a preschool/kindergarten next to the Tijuana municipal dump where approximately 2500 people live. These families scavenge the city dump because the parents have no education and it is their only means of survival. Former graduates of our school have gone on to college and have received top academic awards.

In Nicaragua, Responsibility helps educate 670 students in an area where the government provides no schools. One of our school sessions is specifically geared to the needs of children who scavenge the city garbage dump to help support their families. In 2014, one of our students received a first place award for a state poetry contest. Another student received a first place scholastic competition in the state and second place in the nation.

Our United States program provides lectures on life in third world countries to all grade levels. The founder, David Lynch, shares his first-hand knowledge. With the lower grades, Lynch speaks as a follow-up to the children reading Armando and The Blue Tarp School (an award-winning book about Lynch's early years teaching in Tijuana). In addition, high school and college students may spend from a day to a semester teaching at our Tijuana school.

Over the past 34 years, Responsibility has educated approximately 12,000 children in Latin American. Over 20,000 American students have participated in our various programs. For more information, please go to
Operation Shoebox
Operation Shoebox
Operation Shoebox was founded in 2003 in an effort to send support, snacks and much needed personal care items to our troops deployed outside of the USA. We encourage citizens to support their fighting men and women deployed overseas in these dangerous times. The most frequent response we get from the "boots on the ground" is that receiving mail from the home front is a huge morale boost!
It Happened to Alexa Foundation
It Happened to Alexa Foundation
Alexa Branchini was one of the few rape victims whose ordeal actually resulted in a trial and the conviction of her assailant. Her family was with her, both psychologically and physically, flying from Buffalo to Massachusetts to support her during a grueling trial. She withstood attempts by the defense to delay the trial, as a tactic to break her will. The family spent 27 days in Boston for the trial, and Alexa persevered. The man who raped her was sentenced to 40-45 years in prison without parole. The Branchinis could not imagine their daughter having to go through the ordeal of a trial alone. Going back to the crime scene, reliving the ordeal in order to prepare for trial, then actually being in the courtroom with the rapist who assaulted her are all too much for anyone to face alone. The It Happened to Alexa Foundation was born out of this conviction. Tom and Stacey Branchini--the founders--and their fellow board members intend to assist rape victims and their families by easing the financial burden they face while traveling to attend the criminal trial.
City Harvest
City Harvest
City Harvest, a non-profit organization founded in 1982, is the world's first and New York City's only food rescue program.

Now serving New York City for over 25 years, City Harvest is the world's first food rescue organization, dedicated to feeding the city's hungry men, women and children. This year, City Harvest will collect 23 million pounds of excess food from all segments of the food industry, including restaurants, grocers, corporate cafeterias, manufacturers and farms. This food is then delivered free of charge to more than 600 community food programs throughout New York City using a fleet of trucks and bikes as well as volunteers on foot. Each week, City Harvest helps over 260,000 hungry New Yorkers find their next meal.

Find out how you can give to City Harvest.
Families of Military Casualties
Families of Military Casualties
If you would like to contribute to Military Relief Societies that help families whose loved ones were injured or killed in battle, please visit:
Elevate Hope Foundation
Elevate Hope Foundation
Elevate Hope Foundation (EHF), which pop star Sheila E. helped to organize, is dedicated to provide abused and abandoned children an alternative method of therapy through music and the arts, and funding special services and programs that assist the needs of these children using these fundamental methods. You can read about their mission and offer support.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks
At Autism Speaks, our goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders. We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals.
S.T.A.R. Children Relief Organization
S.T.A.R. Children Relief Organization
S.T.A.R (Start Thinking About Romanian) Children Relief Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to helping the many orphaned, abandoned and handicapped children throughout Romania. To accomplish this overwhelming endeavor, S.T.A.R solicits donations of money, clothing, and medicines from organizations and individuals that recognize the impact their generosity contributes to a society in such need.
Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children
Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children
CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to watch over and advocate for abused and neglected children, to make sure they don't get lost in the overburdened legal and social service system or languish in an inappropriate group or foster home. They stay with each case until it is closed, and the child is placed in a safe, permanent home. For many abused children, their CASA volunteer will be the one constant adult presence-the one adult who cares only for them. Last year, nearly 60,000 CASA volunteers served more than 240,000 abused and neglected children through 954 program offices. CASA volunteers have helped more than two million abused children since the first program was established in 1977.
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to finding the cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It was founded in 1967 by Irwin M. and Suzanne Rosenthal, William D. and Shelby Modell, and Henry D. Janowitz, M.D.

Four decades ago, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation created the field of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis research. Today, the Foundation funds cutting-edge studies at major medical institutions, nurtures investigators at the early stages of their careers, and finances underdeveloped areas of research. Educational workshops and symposia, together with our scientific journal, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, enable medical professionals to keep pace with this rapidly growing field. No wonder the National Institutes of Health has commended the Foundation for "uniting the research community and strengthening IBD research."
The David Lynch Foundation
The David Lynch Foundation
Our Foundation was established to ensure that any child in America who wants to learn and practice the Transcendental Meditation program can do so. The TM program is the most thoroughly researched and widely practiced program in the world for developing the full creative potential of the brain and mind, improving health, reducing stress, and improving academic outcomes. We provide scholarships for students to learn the technique and to receive the complete follow-up program of instruction throughout their student years to ensure they receive the maximum benefits. We also provide scholarships for students who want to attend the growing number of highly successful schools, colleges, and universities founded on this Consciousness-Based approach to education.
The Fuller Center for Housing
The Fuller Center for Housing
The demand for safe, affordable housing is enormous. The United Nations estimates that over one billion people around the world live in substandard housing. In the United States alone, almost two million people live with a hole in their roof, 3.7 million live with broken windows and 2.5 million live in a house where the foundation is crumbling beneath them. Just over one million people live without complete plumbing facilities. (Source: American Housing Survey, US Census Bureau, 2005) Many of these people are too elderly or too poor to help themselves through traditional means, but we believe this does not make them any less deserving of our help. The Fuller Center seeks to improve their standards of living by helping those people help themselves. A Fuller Center home is not a hand out, but a hand up. By working alongside volunteers and repaying construction costs on terms they can handle, homeowners are able to regain a sense of basic human dignity.
The Interfaith Nutrition Network
The Interfaith Nutrition Network
The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) addresses the issues of hunger and homelessness on Long Island by providing food, shelter, long-term housing, and supportive services in a dignified and respectful manner for those who seek our help. We are a not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization with a dedicated staff, a broad base of community support and a commitment to educate the public about these issues.
New York Child Learning Institute
New York Child Learning Institute
The New York Child Learning Institute is affectionately known as "NYCLI" (pronounced "nicely"). It was founded in 1994 as a state certified nonpublic preschool for children with autism. In 1995, educational services were extended to school-age children between the ages of five and eleven. In 2002, NYCLI was certified to serve the needs of learners up to age 21. The institute implements a science-based educational approach and is committed to providing the highest standard of education for its students.

The educational services offered by the institute include center-based and in-home individualized behavioral intervention for children with autism. Autism is a pervasive developmental disability that is characterized by severe deficits in social and language development. With effective educational intervention, these children can learn critical language, social, and academic skills. As competencies in these skill areas develop, the children begin to build meaningful relationships with others and to live more productive lives.
Sesame Workshop
Sesame Workshop
Sesame Workshop is a nonprofit educational organization making a meaningful difference in the lives of children worldwide by addressing their critical developmental needs. The Workshop develops innovative and engaging educational content delivered in a variety of ways - including television, radio, books, magazines, interactive media, and community outreach. Taking advantage of all forms of media and using those that are best suited to delivering a particular curriculum, the Workshop effectively and efficiently reaches millions of children, parents, caregivers, and educators - locally, nationally and globally. The Workshop is committed to the principle that all children deserve a chance to learn and grow; to be prepared for school; to better understand the world and each other; to think, dream and discover; to reach their highest potential.
Several Sources Shelters
Several Sources Shelters
Through God's Grace, we save babies' lives and shelter their young mothers while providing education and ongoing compassionate support services. We further educate young people to make healthy life choices. We also shelter women who are homeless, sick and elderly and we help them to restore their dignity.

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