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Vicious Attacks After Limbaugh's Death, Border Trouble for Biden, and Where Are All the White Supremacists?
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, February 18, 2021. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

Absolute savagery from the left after the death of radio icon, Rush Limbaugh - liberals went wild on social media with no backlash, but network news was ominously quiet
The Biden Administration has made it a point to seek out and end 'white supremacy' but is it really as prevalent as they want you to believe?
LA County Schools are getting rid of police officers and adding 'school climate coaches'
Trouble at the border will be an existential threat to Biden Administration as 71,000 asylum seekers are scheduled to pour into the US starting tomorrow!
This Day in History, 2016: Then-candidate Trump and Pope Francis Clash Over Immigration
Final Thought: Bill speaks with his children about the backlash they might face after his death
In Case You Missed it:

O'Reilly announces next book in the best-selling Killing series: 'Killing the Mob'. Pre-order your copy here!
Hatred for Donald Trump has plagued D.C. for four years and it has caused the media to perpetuate lie after lie, but will it continue that way? Read O'Reilly's latest column 'Toil and Trouble'
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Duration: 44:46
Download Size: 427 MB
Track Date: 3 PM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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