Justice For All
June 1, 2023

Perhaps the most important aspect of a free society is justice, a sense of fair play when it comes to crime and civil disagreements. When citizens are wronged, the system must attempt to correct the situation. That goal is paramount.

There is no justice in China, Russia, and Iran, the new Axis of Evil, which will eventually cause serious havoc in the world. In those countries, brutal leaders impose their will on the population; there is no appeal. Justice doesn't exist.

The United States is headed in that direction because of massive corruption, some of it enabled by voters. Two examples. First, there is strong circumstantial evidence that then Vice President Biden allowed his family to be enriched through shady payments from foreign governments. Yet the Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland is not aggressively pursuing an investigation. That is a corruption of justice. Period.

And then there are progressive district attorneys, elected by the people, who refuse to even bring charges against some violent criminals and drug dealers. No justice in places like Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles. Victims of crime can expect little assistance.

That's where we are in this country primarily because many American voters continue to support far-left politicians. You get what you vote for.

Change better come soon.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:16 AM
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