No Spin News
Friday, February 21, 2020

Hey Premium Members. Welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, February 20th, 2020, Fight for Your Freedom.

So, this is an important newscast. I will, of course, take it that way. First, the facts. About 3 percent of the American population watched the Democratic debate last night, 3 percent. Now, it sounds kind of low, more than 10 million people watching on NBC. A few more watched it on MSNBC and Telemundo, but not many considering the importance of the presidential election. However, all the clips will go out on the internet with varying commentaries, including mine on and then people will see dribs and drabs. Why I'm telling you this is because we are not dealing with a population of voters in America who are immediately on it. They get it, they get it, but it takes a while. They're not on it.

So, the big headline and why more people watch this debate than any of the other eight, was Michael Bloomberg. He was there and he's spending 200 million, he'll spend up to two billion to try to be president. That's a big story. So Bloomberg, as everyone knows, did not do well. All right. I can't tell you why, smart guy, he has hired, you know, a lot of people, paying them a lot of money to advise them, but he went out there and he looked like Joe Biden. I use the word befuddled, clueless. I don't know why, but I'm going to tell you what happened and maybe we can come to a conclusion of some kind.

First, the Nevada vote, which is why the debate was held in Las Vegas last night, is Saturday. On Monday, I will obviously devote the show, a lot of it to this. Then there's another debate Tuesday night, already, coming up in South Carolina, because the primary there is Saturday, February 29th. That is a key primary because it involves a lot of African-American voters. Biden's last stand, I don't expect Biden to do well in Nevada. He wasn't very impressive last night. So, after South Carolina, it could be bye bye Joe and bye bye Bill's prediction. I am not rooting for Biden, but I am very surprised, and we'll analyze him last night as well. Then on Tuesday, March 3rd, Super Tuesday, all whole bunch of states, California, the big one. After Super Tuesday, we'll get an idea of who will run against Donald Trump.

Okay, Bloomberg. Bloomberg has three deficits running in the Democratic Party. Number one, he's not a Democrat, he's an independent. He's not a victimization politically correct. He's not any of those things. He's an, earn it, kind of guy. He doesn't really want to give it to you. He will if you force him, but he is not buying into everybody's a victim, America's racist, he's not buying any of that. So he's in the wrong party because that's what the Democratic Party stands for, victimization, the country's racist, we're benevolent, everybody else are savages. That's what the Democratic Party is putting out. But Bloomberg? No.


Bloomberg is simpatico with the party on climate change. Bloomberg is really a fanatic about that. He's also a simpatico on guns. If Bloomberg could, he would take everybody's guns away. That's what he tried to do in New York. He wants to regulate what you eat and your health. You know, he's a nanny state guy. His deficits are that he's in the wrong party, that his enemies have branded him a racist because of stop and frisk, and we'll get to that, and that he's anti-woman. The same crew does that. All right. They come out, they say he hates women, misogynist, he hates blacks. Biden, at one point said that Mike Bloomberg threw five million black males against the wall. Five million. Now, I will submit to you that Mayor Bloomberg could not throw one male of any color against the wall, much less five million, but Biden is using the ozone. I mean, he is living in a place that none of us have ever ventured.


Okay, so with all of this money that he has and all of these advisers that he's hired, you would think that they would sit him down and go, Mike, you're gonna get it by being a billionaire. You're gonna get it on racism and you're anti-woman. Here are your answers. Here's how you deal with it. It had to be less than a minute into the debate where Elizabeth Warren, who's desperate. Her campaign has almost collapse, but I've got to give the woman credit. Last night, she dominated that stage. So, Elizabeth Warren, less than a minute into the debate, attacks Michael Bloomberg. Go.


"I'd like to talk about who we are running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians. And no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump, I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg. Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women and of supporting racist policies like redlining and stop and frisk."


Okay, so stop and frisk was at the end of Miss Warren's diatribe against Mike Bloomberg. So we'll deal with that first and then we'll get back to the women thing. So stop and frisk is a policy in New York under Mayor Bloomberg, where police, if reasonable suspicion was present, could stop anyone and pat them down to see if they had a gun. That's what stop and frisk is. Because police were centralized in ghetto areas, which have high crime, more blacks than anybody else, Hispanics or whites, were patted down. The African-American community did not like that. It did bring down the murder rate by 50 percent in those neighborhoods, but the social stigma of embarrasment attached to be in frisked overrode that, eventually. So, Bloomberg was in a position where if you wanted to be a Democrat, he had to explain it. Go.


"I've apologized, I've asked for forgiveness. But the bottom line is that we stopped too many people, but the policy, we stopped too many people and we've got to make sure that we do something about criminal justice in this country. There is no great answer to a lot of its problems."


OK. Weak. Weak, weak. I'm there, Warren says that to me. I turn to Warren and I say, Senator, let me ask you a question. What percentage of violent crime victims in urban centers in America are black? Chances are Warren wouldn't know, so she'd babble. Maybe she does know. 90 percent in major urban cities, violent crime victims are black. Victims. People who are murdered, maimed, victims. Ok? You take it out of the stop and frisk, you put it into the victim's. So Warren has no answer for that. Even if she does know, she is going to say 90 percent are black? So then Bloomberg says, I was trying to cut that down, to protect black people in the poor neighborhoods, that's what I was trying to do. It might have worked, but it's not a war crime to try to do that. In hindsight, I might have done it differently because the unintended consequences alienated the community.


That's how you answer that. Is that hard? You concentrate on the people getting hurt and to this day they're getting hurt. Black people in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, New York City, you name it, that's where the violent crime is. Forget about the perpetrators for the moment, put it on Warren and the other due process deniers, that they're putting people in danger by this madness of political correctness. Now, Bloomberg had done that. He would have turned the whole thing around. But he, I apologized, I've asked for forgiveness. Weak, that's weak. If you read the "United States of Trump", Trump never apologizes, ever. Ok. And by the way, I'm not endorsing, never apologizing, by the way. I am just contrasting the two men.


So, now we go back to Warren, pounding Mayor Mike on the women thing. Go.


"So, Mr. Mayor, are you willing to release all of those women from those nondisclosure agreements? So we can hear their side of the story."


"We have a very few nondisclosure agreements.".


"How many is that? How many is that?"


"Let me finish. None of them accuse me of doing anything other than, maybe they didn't like the joke I told. These would be agreements between two parties that wanted to keep it quiet and that's up to them. They signed those agreements and we'll live with those."


Dumb. I was going to say stupid, dumb. Again, you turn it around. You look at Warren and you say, no one was forced to sign anything. Every corporation in the world, not just in the United States, in the world, has personnel problems, disputes among the workers and the management. Every single one. They can be adjudicated in two ways. You can take it to court or you can sign an agreement, and sometimes the agreement has a non-disclosure, where neither party disparages the other. Money often changes hands. Now, the corporations do that because if they wanted to try everything, that's all they would be doing and it's expensive. So they get rid of it. Nobody has to sign any agreement if you don't want to. Litigate it. If I, an employee of any company, feels I'm wrong, I can bring them to court in this country and almost every free country can do that. All right?


So this is a totally bogus thing. If you feel you're wronged by a corporation, you you sue them and you win a lot and then you embarrass them. The other road is we negotiate. We come to some kind of settlement, whatever it may be, and then we don't embarrass the person or the company. So, Warren, what Warren wants is anarchy. Total chaos in all corporations, whereas no, there's no way to settle other than court. You have to take it in. Believe me, most workers don't want to do that or they wouldn't have signed the agreement. So Bloomberg, as a CEO knows this is a bogus issue. The New York Times, The Washington Post, every network, they all do this because there are always disputes between workers and management. Always. That's why you have unions.


So, Bloomberg L.A. I buy back, I'm not going to tell you. You know, it's just so crazy. So he could have destroyed Warren. Bloomberg could have turned around on both of those issues and destroyed her with facts. Not hyperbola, with facts. You heard the audience, the audience doesn't have a clue what any of this stuff is all about. They don't know what stop and frisk is. Oh, they were throwing black people against the wall. Yeah, for fun. Right? Like the cops want to do that?


All right. Now, this was Bloomberg, I almost feel bad. This was his only good moment. Go.


"What a wonderful country we have. The best known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses. What did I miss here?"


"Well, you missed that I work in Washington.".


"That's the first problem."


"Live in Burlington, house two."


"That's good."


"And like thousands of other Vermonters, I do have a summer camp. Forgive me for that. Where is your home? Which tax haven do you have your home?"


"New York City, thank you very much and I pay all my taxes."


That's how you get Sanders, phony. I'm going to, and in a moment, you're going to see or hear something, just stay right where you are. OK. That was Bloomberg's only good moment. Now, is Bloomberg out? No, he isn't out. There are enough Democrats who don't want Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Biden forget it, that they'll vote for Bloomberg even though they don't like him. But he hurt himself so much and again, why didn't he have the answers? They're not hard. Just tell the truth. Always tell the truth.


Report card. Bloomberg, D, as in Dopey. Elizabeth Warren, B-minus. She made a comeback. She dominated the stage. She was on the march on offense. Amy Klobuchar, B, as in boy. Klobuchar is a moderate, level headed, we've checked her record. She's not a crazy leftist. She sympathizes with the liberal point of view on almost everything, but she's more practical than any of the others on the stage. All right. So she got a B. Second good performance by Klobuchar. Buttigieg, C. Buttigieg, really C+ I gave him, but it was really a C, because he just can't, or doesn't have the ability to project authority. Right. He just looks like a college kid out there and it may be not his fault, but I'm not impressed with him. Bernie Sanders, C. He didn't say anything new, and I'm going to get to Sanders in a minute, because it's really a scandal what the man's doing, but he was just there.


Finally, Vice President Biden, D. Biden stands for nothing. He has no program. He has no vision. He can't get it out. At one point, he was saying that  Bloomberg's secretary pays more in capital gains than Bloomberg does, 25 percent. That's what Biden said. Nobody pays 25 percent capital gains. You would pay 20 percent long term gain or you pay what your income tax rate is. Maybe he meant that, but it's so foggy, nobody knows what he's talking about.


The big thing is, Biden has no message. Joe Biden has no message. What does he stand for? He should just come out with a big sign, I'll do what Barack did. That's all he's got. Well, when I was vice president...Barack. I'll do what Barack did. Don't ask me any questions, hold it up. Whenever he's asked a question in a debate, hold up the sign, I'll do what Barack did. That's all he's got. Biden is through. He's done. I'm sorry. Even if he wins South Carolina, which is, I don't even know if he's going to do that. I can't imagine him competing anymore.


Bernie Sanders, dangerous man, told you that before. Phony. All right. What he is telling the American people he would do, is impossible to do. So, this morning, I'm on WABC Radio in New York City with Bernie and Sid. I evaluated Sanders Go.


"But let's go and let's take a look at Sanders. You don't debate Sanders because Sanders doesn't tell the truth. So it would be like debating Pinocchio. All right. You're not going to get the truth and unfortunately, Sanders' nose doesn't grow so everybody can see he's deceiving the nation. Sanders purports that the federal government is not only going to pay every health bill that 330 million Americans, plus illegal aliens, have. Every bill is going to be paid for by the federal government. But your dental, your eyeglasses, your hearing aid, your senior citizen housing, your pre-K, your college, there isn't enough money on Earth to do that. On Earth. All right. That's the truth and that's all you say to Sanders. You don't debate him. You go, you're not telling the truth. You're a deceiver and you're unhinged. You look like Fidel Castro out there, and he does. If you read Castro's speeches, in the early 1960s, as I have, Sanders cribs from those speeches. It's exactly the same terminology that Castro used, oligarchy, corporations, millionaires. We didn't get to billionaires under Fidel. It's the same thing. So, Bloomberg, was too afraid or intimidated to actually look at Sanders and go, you would ruin this country. The stock market would collapse. People's 401Ks would dissolve if you were president. That's what he should have done. You don't debate him, you just tell the truth."


So, why didn't Bloomberg and the others do it? Why haven't they done it? Because they fear Bernie Sanders' crew. If you attack Sanders on Twitter, they'll cut your throat. They'll smear you. They'll do everything. The Bernie Bros. All right. This is what happens in totalitarian countries. If you oppose Hugo Chavez, you got beat up in Venezuela. I can go back in every totalitarian nation and show you the run up to these people seizing power. It's the Bernie Bros, and all of the Democrat candidates are afraid of Sanders and his crew. That's why you don't have them saying exactly what I said. You can't challenge anything that I just said. If Bernie Sanders is elected president, the stock market collapses. Do you not understand that? That's what will happen. OK. Write me. Post. I want to hear from you.


Pew. 12,000 Americans. 80 percent say they're worried about the press'  reportage of the election. They think it's going to be phony and dishonest, and it will be. 80 percent of Americans feel that way, according to Pew.


Trump is in the West. All right. He's running around Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, California and then on Sunday, he goes to India, in case you want to know. He's running around and he's trying to basically attack the Democrats as they gain a little bit of notoriety, I think is the best word. So, Trump is there. He's in Nevada. He's, you know, wherever they are, he is. But they're not going to be in India, he's going over to India to try to make a trade deal.


Roger Stone, Trump's friend, sentenced to three years, four months. The judge, Amy Berman Jackson, Obama appointee, does not like President Trump. She made that quite clear in the sentencing. What did Stone do to get the three years? He obstructed Congress and attempted to tamper with a witness when federal authorities were investigating who was hacking who in the WikiLeaks thing in 2016. Stone did it. Stone broke the law. Three years. Not outrageous. All right. I don't feel sorry for Stone. He knew he was breaking law when he did it. I think President Trump will pardon him forthwith, as they say.


Melania Trump. They want to give her an award down in Palm Beach, Florida, at a college, a Christian college. All right. A Woman of Distinction award from Palm Beach Atlantic University. The faculty, some of them and the alumni don't want it. They are demanding the award be rescinded. Why? All Melania Trump has done is try to fight bullying. Why? Because they hate Trump. There is no room for hatred in our institutions. So those people should take a hike.


Great Britain, Brexit. I told you what Brexit was all about. The English people don't want mass migration from Europe into their country. They don't want it. So they're out now of the EU. Brexit, they left. Beginning next January, if you want to reside in the UK, you have to be able to speak English, have specific skills and show you can earn a living, and a pretty good living. All right. You have to make between 35 and 50 thousand from the jump in order to be given a green card to work in Britain. They don't want mass poverty coming in. They don't want unskilled workers coming in from the EU. That's what it was all about. That's what I told you and that is true.


Out here on Long Island, where I live. Suffolk County, I live in Nassau, Suffolk is east. I have a house out there as well. They are banning smoking. All right. There are proposed laws, they havn't passed yet. They want to ban smoking outright. You can't smoke in Suffolk County. That's unconstitutional. You can't do that. I hate smoking. When I see somebody smoking, I always have a question, why are they smoking? None of my friends smoke that I know of. If they do, they do it very, very privately. But in Suffolk County, they want you to not be able to smoke in your own house. Can't do that. That is too much government intrusion. All right. Got to stop this, Suffolk County. Smoking is bad. Restaurants, bars, good, ban it. Not in your home. If it's legal and you want to do in your home, you have a constitutional right to do it.


Quick break. Back with some mail and a Final Thought on how to spend your time. I'm not going to intrude. I'm just going to give you some suggestions. Roll Tape.


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Let's get to the mail. Lloyd on the message board, says: "Bernie cannot control the Bernie Bros because socialists and communists want total control and absolutely no opposition. If he tries, they might call him a hypocrit.".


Bernie Sanders does care about the Twitter mob and the Bernie Bros. They are useful idiots to him. I'm not saying that he's encouraging this. I don't think he is. It is not his style. But is he trying to stop it? No, he's not. It's an intimidator for him. It works for him. Penelope Pettijohn. Tuskadero, California. "Bill, loved your pithy Twitter reporting during the Democratic debate. I think you gave a good gist of what was going on. I felt I was there watching it. Thank you for taking time so I don't have to.".


You're welcome, Penelope. But it would have been interesting for you, I think, to see Mike Bloomberg. We use some of the clips. Boy, he didn't look steady last night. Barry Steele. Brownstown, Michigan. "I want to let you know how much I enjoy your podcast. Your analysis and knowledgeable guest you have, with possibly the most important election of our lifetime coming up, I don't know where else I could get this kind of honest reporting.".


I don't either. That's why we're offering it to you. Whatever happens in this election, I will report it to you honestly. That's the vow. Bradford Grant. Highland, Utah.


"As a longtime California resident, I know Disneyland has had to close gates to new arrivals because they reached capacity at certain times. One of their justification for price increases, that becomes a way of controlling attendance.".


Bradford, look, I'm looking out for the kids. Twelve hundred bucks for family of four a day? Most kids can't go. Disney should rescind that crazy pricing. Peter Rosenberg. Brooklyn, New York.


"Have you read an article on George Washington called Commander in Chief? I saw it in The New York Post.".


Yeah, I didn't read it because I know who wrote it and let's say the credibility is not there. Best George Washington profile ever, "Killing England." "Killing England." Lou.


"Thanks for the plug on personal discipline, because that's why I wear a coat and tie to church every Sunday, to show respect. I'm always shocked at the way people dress for church.".


So am I. Good for you, Lou. I mean, it's a discipline to be appropriately dressed when you go to some place. Now, I don't wear a tie and jacket to church, but I don't wear shorts. I mean, people in shorts and flip flops and they got water bottles. You know, I go, what's next, corn on the cob? Come one. Good for you.


Frank Cranston. Dearborn, Michigan.


"I have bought tickets for the Fort Wayne, Indiana, "Who Wants to be President?" show. I'm going to take my mom, who'll be turning 73 on that day.".


Frank, you're a good son. You are going to enjoy the show, so will your mom and because it's her birthday, we are going to have a special surprise for you. Cathy Lukasco. Brookfield, Ohio.


"Will you be doing other sites for your "Who Wants to be President?" tour?".


Yes, we're going to be in Charlotte. All right. We're gonna be out on Huntington, Long Island again. There was a blast, we are going to replicate that. Maybe three or four others that have not been selected, but if you're in the Midwest, upper Midwest, Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 12th. "Who Wants to be President?" I will be there live. You will like the show. Still in president's week. If you buy the "United States of Trump," you get a copy free, "Killing Lincoln" or "Killing Kennedy" or "Killing Reagan." You take your pick. If you haven't read them, you get a free book and give the Trump book to someone for a present. I mean, that's the way to do it. Save money and get a good thing for yourself. Writing to us, to not be craven. Right back with a Final Thought on your time.

Bill O'Reilly here with a warning for you about home title theft. Your home title and mortgage are online, with a friend of mine, thieves found her home title. Home Title Lock is the only company that protects your home from title thieves. The instant they detect tampering, they're on it. So, please go to and register your home to find out if your title has already been hacked. And if you register your home right now, you'll receive a free title scan and report. A $100 value, absolutely free. So please go to That's

Here's a Final Thought of the Day. The two things that are most important in your life to have discipline, money and time. So, the time goes fast, especially when you're older. I mean, I don't know why. When I was a kid, some of those days kinda dragged, but now, boom, it's 7 o'clock at night already, what happened? So the time element has to be thought about.

So, what I do every evening is I think about the next day and what I have to do and what I want to do, kind of write it down, what I want to do and what I have to do. So that I use time and I build in naps. I'm a big nap guy, like Winston Churchill, only about 20 minutes. Holly the terror dog is taking five hour naps, but I just take a little nap. You know, refreshes, you think more clearly all that. But anyway, look, time is important and you don't want to get overwhelmed. You don't have too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it, because then you get mad, you get frustrated, you get angry, you don't want that. Think ahead and  build in some nothing time. You don't have to be doing something.

Here's the final thing about time. I'm telling you, watching cable news, cable TV news network, you're wasting your time, you're wasting it. You just look right now. They say the same words over and over. The same people. You know what they're gonna say. Very little new stuff, very little insight into anything. There are some exceptions. There are still some people that I still watch, but most of it is just garbage. Waste, total waste. Entertainment? I mean, I got 100 channels, I can't find one decent thing to watch at 8 o'clock at night. So, I have been reading books. I got a stack of books. What am I reading? I will do that another day. But time, don't waste it, because you can never get it back.

Thanks for being Premium Members. We will see you on Monday, but I'll be checking in and we're opening up the No Spin News for everybody on my analysis that you just saw. So, if you have friends who are smart and you like them, they can watch it free. Then, of course, we hope they sign up. All right. So I'll be checking in this weekend. Have a good one.