O'Reilly's Preview of the Democratic Debate
September 11, 2019

Hey, Bill O'Reilly here for Newsmax. This is the Talking Points Memo.


Big political week because the third Democratic presidential debate is being held in Houston and it's being run by ABC News. He's got 10 candidates on the stage instead of 20. But only four have a chance. So that would be one Joe Biden. Then it would be one, Senator Elizabeth Warren. Senator Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris.


Now I'm generous toward Miss Harris. I am being very generous here. I do believe that Biden's looking at her for a V.P. slot. So Kamala Harris is only polling at 7 percent. All right. She's kind of loopy. She is all over the place. She contradicts herself every hour on the hour. Once she was a tough prosecutor, now she wants to let everybody out of jail. No cash bail. It is all unfocused. She doesn't seem to be having a lot of fun on the campaign trail. Not a good speechmaker. You saw the retarded thing yesterday. Being very generous with Kamala Harris.


So really it's Biden. It's Warren. It's Bernie. This is a boon, b-o-o-n to Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders is not going to be president United States. So if he would ever get the nomination, which isn't going to happen. All right. He would get killed in the election, like George McGovern did. You're not going to... I think Bernie's a communist. He's beyond socialist. All right. He basically doesn't think that any American has a right to private property. Bernie Sanders will take everything you have. So once that gets out there and the dimmest among us who don't pay attention go... I don't know if I want a president president's going to take all my stuff even if he's promising to give me a lot of stuff. In the end the take is always going to be bigger than the give. So Bernie is not going to be president and Bernie says the same thing every time you see him. So the debate on Thursday in Houston, no matter what they ask Bernie Sanders, no matter what...the billionaires. OK. We heard it. We heard it last time around 2016. We're hearing it again. It's boring. You got nothing else.


Now Elizabeth Warren is a little bit different. She's as militant left as Bernie Sanders, maybe not a communist but close. Ardent socialist. I got a column on Bill O'Reilly.com entitled "The Con". C-O-N. Tells you everything you need to know about Elizabeth Warren. If you're interested, please go there and read the column. She's a dangerous woman because she looks like this hip granny. Elizabeth Warren. She has got a lot of energies out there like this. She looks harmless. You'd go trick or treating to her house right? But she'd take your candy...


So, Elizabeth Warren is not quite as bold and in your face as Bernie Sanders but it's the same plan. You and me, we don't have any right to our private property, our stuff, our assets. No. It's Washington's property and they'll just take it. Little by little. Take it for whatever they want to take it for. And you can't stop us. That's those people.


Joe Biden. Now he is the favorite of the insider Democrats who write the big checks. The Obama people. Biden is the favorite. It's a big problem with Joe. And I'm not going to be like conservative talk radio saying Biden is senile or dementia. I don't know any of that. I don't know. But I do know that he is not able to articulate a consistent message on the campaign trail. He cannot do it. So if you ask somebody, what does Joe Biden stand for? You don't know. It's almost like Kamala Harris but she can articulate that...it's all over the place. You can't even get a sentence or two out of Biden.


Now I don't know why. It's not fair for me to say is this he's that is the other thing. I don't know. As an American, I do know that I don't know what he's talking about. Now, historically he's a moderate and I don't believe he would start seizing private property but maybe he would. The smart money inside the Democratic Party wants Biden. They believe he could defeat Donald Trump and the other's can't. Again all of these Democratic candidates are doing Trump a favor. This is a big debate for Biden. If he can get through this debate, I believe he will get the nomination.


I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax. We'll see you again soon.


Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 6:00 AM
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O'Reilly's Preview of the Democratic Debate
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