Baby Boomers
January 31, 2023
There are about 68 million baby boomers roaming around America right now, most of them aging rapidly. From 1946 to 1964, boomers dominated the USA, being born in staggering numbers, especially right after World War II when marriage and families ruled. 
I am happy to be a boomer because I have seen modern history unfold right before my eyes with television and, today, the internet. I mean, think about it. In 1910, there wasn't much going on, and life was hard. Outdoor relief houses, anyone?
However, I will admit that many boomers have caught the entitlement virus and believe they should be exempt from life's "challenges," like getting old. This might be why Madonna has turned her face into a creamsicle.
Aging is part of the "journey," boomer Dr. Phil might say, which is why I don't listen to him. I want reality, not wisdom from a fortune cookie.
So here it is. Senior citizens are smarter than their kids and grandkids just because they've "been through it." If boomers stop thinking about themselves morning to night - they might volunteer to help people out. Use their remaining time not going to the spa three days a week but improving the country a little at a time.
I understand Jane Fonda still looks good in her 80s, and good for her. Those long-ago work out tapes came through. But regular boomers are subject to circumstances beyond their control which means the three dreaded words: old, older, and coffin.
However, as the song goes, "don't fear the reaper;" just be smart and pile up some good deeds before you meet him. Because you never know what's waiting for you in the next place where credit cards are no longer accepted.
The great spa in the sky.
See you for the No Spin News tonight, beginning at six eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 7:40 AM
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