DeSantis Needs to Study Up
March 22, 2023
The people advising Florida Governor Ron DeSantis believe now is "his time." They think he can win the Republican nomination and be elected President in 2024. 
I say the Governor has a shot but needs to study up. He undeniably has done an excellent job running Florida, but so did Jeb Bush. Basking in the sunshine is not enough to secure the Oval Office.
Recently, DeSantis made a policy mistake by saying Ukraine is a dispute over territory and not a vital issue for the United States. That is a naïve statement because Putin is obviously on the march as he attempts to resurrect the Soviet Union. Enslaving millions of people is not something Americans endorse.
Even more important is China's design to control Taiwan, a free state. If Putin wins in Ukraine, the Taiwanese are goners.
The Governor should know this.
DeSantis also made a significant error by uttering the words "porn star" while discussing the Trump case. That set off the former President, who rightfully heard disrespect in those words.
If Ron DeSantis really wants the top job, he will eventually need millions of Trump voters to support him. So he might choose his words more carefully.
Tonight on the No Spin News, I'll continue my DeSantis analysis. See you beginning at six eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:00 AM
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DeSantis Needs to Study Up
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